Do not Buy from these FAKE Sellers
Would you let your children use a product that is potentially dangerous?
Would you buy a product that is Illegal and in Islam considered Haram?
We have verified that these companies are selling Fake versions of our original Interactive Prayer.
These fake products have used UNTESTED materials which are UNSAFE for CHILDREN. These have not been taken through official testing processes nor do they have any certificates. These Fakes also do not have all the original features nor do they come with the warranty that we provide, we have many customer who have informed us that these products break and become
These fake products have used UNTESTED materials which are UNSAFE for CHILDREN. These have not been taken through official testing processes nor do they have any certificates. These Fakes also do not have all the original features nor do they come with the warranty that we provide, we have many customer who have informed us that these products break and become

Problems with
Counterfeit Fake Items
Counterfeit Fake products are well known for being made to a poor and substandard quality, using materials which are cheap and are usually unsafe as they do not go through the appropriate safety tests that are required to sell legally, and therefore causes harm to the overall brand.
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SCAMMER websites
that look like the My Salah Mat website
These websites are designed to deceive buyers. They mimic the appearance of the My Salah Mat website and may even use a domain name that closely resembles ours. However, these are fraudulent websites. The sellers will not dispatch the products. They will take your money but fail to deliver anything. We have received numerous complaints, prompting us to issue this warning. Our reputation is at stake.
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How to Report If You
Find a Company is Selling
Fake My Salah Mats
- Email us -
- Send us some details of the seller, including links to their selling page.
- We will do the rest, we can demand a refund from the counterfeit seller and take legal action and issue you an original product to you for your support.

Make Sure your My Salah Mat is Original!

How to Recognise a Fake Product
Counterfeit Product
We have conducted tests on the counterfeit/ fake products, this is what we have found:

Your Rights!
What to do if you bought a fake product (as a consumer or as a business)
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- Your rights: Legally you can get a full refund you can claim compensation and it is your duty to report this to your local authority.
- If you are a victim we will cover you, we will send you a product at the same cost and cover the delivery costs.

My Salah Mat Supports You If You Come Forward
If you are a company who bought a counterfeit/ fake product without knowing, we will support you. We will only take legal action against those companies who are the main importers or producers. If you co-operate with us we will not take any legal action and we will in-fact work with you and help you develop and sell the original My Salah Mat.
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My Salah Mat Platform
My Salah Mat has a growing customer base, growing social media base and we will use our platforms to inform our customers and audience of companies who are selling fake items and those that do not co-operate with us. Please act accordingly once you are aware of selling fake products
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A List Of Companies Who Have Been Selling Fake Products
We have many issues with counterfeit items in the UAE, Malaysia, Singapore.Some issues in Belgium, Netherlands, USA.
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Example of Fake Products listed on a popular marketplace
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Example of Fake Sellers listed on a popular marketplace
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An Unknown Seller Selling an Identic Fake Product
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Example of Fake Products listed on popular marketplace
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My Salah Mat
Educational Prayer Mat
The Fun, Easy & Interactive Way
to Teach Your Children
The Beauty of Salah
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to Teach Your Children
The Beauty of Salah