Code: Fake-0018


We have taken photos and have linked our registered design to show this product is a Fake/Counterfeit. This product has copied our IP. 


  1. Design
  2. Icons
  3. Feet, Hands, Head Positions


The purchase and sale of Counterfeit items are illegal and against the Law of your country.


If you are receiving this, it is either to show the proof of  how it is a copy, or it is also to ask you to immediately stop selling this product before we take legal action. You have infringed our Intellectual Property. And this is a serious crime. 


If you have any questions you can email us on


 Please look at every photo on the Listing

They show one product but really sell another which is even more of a copy. 




They have also copied our Box design



Taken Images and Designs from official website

Taken from Official Website 


Found on listing 


Registered Design Details

The Original link to the registered design can be found here:


Here is a screen shot of the Registered Design

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.