How to Train your Child to Worship Allah | 6 Tips

Masha'Allah, children are a gift, and nurturing them to be sociable and compassionate is a beautiful task. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) taught us many ways to encourage children to have positive interactions with the world. These sunnah can guide you in raising your little ones to be sociable Muslims.
The Warmth of Greetings: Teach your child the importance of a simple "Assalamu alaikum," just as the Prophet (ﷺ) did, to foster respect and open hearts. You can find additional insights in the blog, "Dealing with child behaviour problems: Prophet Muhammad's (ﷺ) Gentle Parenting.
The Kindness of Visits: Show your children the value of visiting and caring for the ill and elderly, a practice the Prophet (ﷺ) included children in.
Building Self-Confidence: The Prophet (ﷺ) trusted children with responsibilities, a practice that builds confidence and a sense of value.
Engaging in Commerce: Even the simple act of buying and selling can be a learning experience. The Prophet (ﷺ) involved children in transactions, teaching them valuable lessons in financial responsibility and social interaction. Involve your children in small financial decisions, perhaps even around charitable giving, which can be a practical use of the Interactive Kids Prayer Mat as they learn to save and donate for good causes.
Spending Time with Elders: Let children learn from the wisdom of elders, following the Prophet's (ﷺ) example.
Choosing Good Company: Positive friendships and group play are crucial, as good company fosters good character.
Prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) approach was threefold: teaching social niceties, spending time with elders, and fostering a positive environment with healthy friendships. Discover the interactive prayer mat and more resources for your child's spiritual journey at My Salah Mat. Click Here.